Aug 28, 2008

Happy Days

Yesterday I got some pretty amazing news. I can't say what it is just yet as I don't want to jinx it, but just know that I feel so amazingly happy right now. Happier than I have been in a long time. And it's a wonderful feeling :)

In other news, I LOVE nintendo Wii haha. This week we got Dance Dance Revolution, house of the dead 2 and 3 and MARIO KART which has always been my favorite game, but is definitely my favorite Wii game. (I think I even like it better than guitar hero!!) I think Andy and i played video games for about 3 hours yesterday. Some might say it's a waste of time, but it's so interactive, and it gives us something fun to do together besides watch tv. And I know, some think playing video games is just as bad, but I don't think it can be bad if we are encouraging each other and laughing together and doing something that we both enjoy :)

Life has been great since getting back to Hawaii. And tonight will be great too because tonight is spaghetti night! MMM Andy makes the most amazing homemade spaghetti sauce. I always eat way too much on spaghetti night, but we are splurging this week to celebrate being together again :) I'll post more on the good news as it's confirmed :)

Aug 25, 2008

Back in the Rainbow State :)

If anyone reads this, I have made it back to Hawaii safely! :) I got rerouted at the last minute to make sure I wouldn't miss my connection since my original flight was delayed, but I got here safe and sound, and my luggage even made it!! I get to pick up andy in about 6 hours, and I am so excited. It's been over 30 days since I last saw him, so you can imagine that I am about out of my mind with anticipation :)

I went back to work today to find that they had moved me from my cube while I was gone. And get this, now I have my own OFFICE... SERIOUSLY?! That's awesome! haha I have no idea why they would give me my own office considering I don't technically even work for the company... I just take up space in their building while working for another company. But hey, it works for me :) I get to shut my door if ppl are bugging me woohoo!

Although, when I got there today the office was locked and no one who was there that blasted early in the morning had a key, so I got to work from home today. And let me tell ya, as nice as an office is... I think I like working from home better. I feel more comfortable, I get to throw in a load of laundry between tasks, I get to play music while I work, and honestly I get more done. But oh well, company policy says you only get to work from home on special occassions, like getting locked out of your office.

I am thoroughly enjoying my day, and must say I am sad that I have to go back tomorrow. But oh well, at least I got a little slice of heaven today :) And I can't wait to see my guy tonight :)

Aug 22, 2008

one more day

I can't believe how quickly time flies. I feel like I have only been home a week, yet here it is, a month later and I am getting ready to go back to Hawaii. We had a big family dinner tonight with my brothers and their kids and my aunt and uncle and cousins came too and it was so great to see everyone. We were at Cabana Bar which was also awesome because all the seating is outside and it's right on the river. It's really pretty there. A little hot, but worth it. I know I'm really going to miss them when I'm away. Especially the kids. They are so cute, and I know I'm biased, but I really do think they are some of the cutest kids alive ;)

Apart from missing the fam though, I am really excited to get back to my apartment, and my andy :) It's nice knowing that he probably won't have to go anywhere else until Christmas, and even then, it's coming home to Ohio with me. It's going to be nice to be in one place for longer than 30 days heh.

And now, it's 10:30 on a Friday night, and I am perfectly content to be lame and go to sleep right now. Work was really tiring this week. Better to be busy than being bored though! To all of you that I saw while at home thanks for making my stay great. For those of you I missed, call me and we'll get together at Christmas! Aloha!

Aug 19, 2008

oh how we forget

My post today is titled "oh how we forget" because I got stung by a flying insect this weekend, and it wasn't a bee or a wasp or a hornet even, but seriously looked like a FLYING ANT THAT EATS FLESH!! Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating that last part, but it seriously looked like a flying ant. It had the body of an ant, it had wings, and it STINGS. So, why the forgetting part? Well, I haven't been stung by anything since I was probably around 12 years old. In my mind looking back, I had begun to suspect that it was not as bad as I remembered, and that my childhood fear of stinging insects was silly because I was sure that I had exaggerated the pain in my mind.

OH NO. It HURT, and what's more, it's been 4 days and the sucker still hurts, and it itches like crazy!!! If I cannot resist the urge and itch, the whole left side of my wrist swells and turns red. It is not pretty. But don't worry, it wasn't a poisonous flying any. No symptoms other than that. I think after this experience, I won't think of little kids as necessarily whiny anymore. To them, it does hurt that bad. I just hope I can avoid the little devils (insects, not children) in the future.

On another note, I found out Andy comes home earlier than expected! Yay :)

Aug 18, 2008

last week home for a while

Well, it's my last week at home until Christmas. It's always bittersweet to go back to Hawaii. Leaving my friends and family is always hard, but going home to see Andy, the man I love more than anything, is always such an amazing feeling. I really think that the distances and the times apart make us stronger. I mean sure, it's hard to be away from the person you care about for extended periods of time, but we've been together almost 4 years and I still get the butterflies in my stomach when I see him after such times apart. It's great. I know after a while that feeling of newness usually fades in a relationship, but with us, we just get used to seeing each other when we're dragged apart again. So it really makes our reunions so special and breathtaking and weak-in-the-knees amazing :) I am really excited to see him, especially knowing he doesn't have to travel anymore until he and I go home for Christmas. And even then, we get to go somewhere together! Woo!

Speaking of going back, I am looking for new recipes for yummy dinners. If anyone reading this has a great recipe, let me know so I can try it out!

Anyway, things are good right now. This week is going to be super busy trying to see everyone that I can before I leave. I think I have something going on almost every night this week, so it looks like I'll be super tired again every day this week, but it's worth it to spend time with the people you care about :) If you want to see me before I leave, call the cell, that's the best way to get ahold of me!

Aug 15, 2008

boo movie execs

So I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning to start out with. Very much not looking forward to another fun filled day of work, and I get to work, open my internet browser and immidiately see this : informing me that the MUCH anticipated 6th Harry Potter movie is not being released now until next SUMMER.

Granted, this isnt like the end of the world, but I was already having a bad day, and now this. What's next? Cancelling the 7th movie?! Grrrr. Ooh if that happened I'd have to fly to Hollywood myself and force them to make it. I know, I know, I'm a bit of a HP freak, I'm a nerd what can I say. But seriuosly, boo to movie execs who don't care about fans and who only care about the most potential for a huge profit margin. Blah. At least it's Friday.

Aug 12, 2008


Usually I'm not that into sports, but I have to say, with the excitement of the Olympics, and the arrival of the Bengal's pre-season, I'm pretty pumped. I didn't really get to experience the football season last year since I was in Hawaii for most of it, so I kind of forgot just how much fun getting together with your friends to watch the game can be. As much as I used to resist them, I now embrace watching the games. It brings such a fun atmosphere and even though we usually only wind up watching about 10 minutes of actual game time, it's always fun!

That being said, I had so much fun watching the game last night, and I can't wait to go to the game this weekend! I know, it's only the preseason, but it's probably the only game I'll get to go to this year, so I'm going to make it count :) WHO-DEY!

Aug 11, 2008

one step at a time

After a great weekend with Amanda, which included the most AMAZING opening ceremonies of the Olympics EVER and lots of wine and skyline, I heard a song on the radio that I'd heard before but had never really listened to the lyrics before and it really struck me because it's exactly how I've been feeling lately. So here are the lyrics by the lovely jordin sparks...

We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
(When you need to find the strength)
It's the faith that makes you stronger
The only way we get there
Is one step at a time

Aug 8, 2008

old friends :)

Well, it's finally Friday. Hooray for Fridays! I am very excited because this weekend I am going on a road trip to visit a college friend. I always have fun when I go to visit Amanda, so I'm very much looking forward to the trip. I love getting together with Amanda because she's one of the only people I can drink wine and be silly with where we don't have to go out to feel cool and we can just laugh at ourselves and have an amazing time no matter where we are.

I have to say, this week is all about seeing old friends. Last night I had dinner with my friend Jen whom I haven't seen in over a year. We must have sat and talked for over two hours each contributing great stories and updates to the conversation. I love how you can go months without seeing someone, but right when the two of you get together, it's like no time has passed. I really think those are the kind of friendships that we should cherish, because they are hard to come by. So thanks Jen for being awesome and for providing me with a stress free night of GREAT conversation :)

I also get to see Brittany this weekend, who I have not seen for probably two years. I am excited to see her. I am sad that I can't go to her wedding next month, so I hope this in some way sort of makes up for it. But, seeing as I live so far away, it's no surprise that I can't go. But oh well, hopefully her day is so full of happiness that she won't even notice I'm not there (which I'm sure it will be!)

So, today I'm in a great mood. I love getting together with old friends. It makes you realize how even when you don't talk to someone in a while, you've made such an impact on their life and they have on yours, that you will still always make time for each other in the future.

Aug 7, 2008

Starting Out

Hey all,

In case you don't know me, I'm katie. I live about as far away from my family as possible, and no, I'm not one of those people that had to get away as far and as quickly as I could. If I had it my way, we'd all be in the same place, but life is funny like that. Sometimes you wind up places you never dreamed you would be. And as much as I love my life now, unexpected as it was, sometimes it is hard being so distant from everyone.

I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with this life of mine. Eventually I want to go back to school and get a graduate degree. My biggest problem right now is deciding what to study... do I like what I do now enough to study it and make it my career? Or should I go back and find a more creative outlet? I have some time to figure it all out, but it's really hard. I thought once I got my undergrad degree I knew what I wanted to do with my life, but somehow I find myself with all the same questions. Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually.

Anyway, I know this was a vague post, and rather uninformative, but it's my first try, so you know, give me a break ;) I haven't blogged in about 3 years and I hope this time I can keep it up. Wish me luck!