Well, it's my last week at home until Christmas. It's always bittersweet to go back to Hawaii. Leaving my friends and family is always hard, but going home to see Andy, the man I love more than anything, is always such an amazing feeling. I really think that the distances and the times apart make us stronger. I mean sure, it's hard to be away from the person you care about for extended periods of time, but we've been together almost 4 years and I still get the butterflies in my stomach when I see him after such times apart. It's great. I know after a while that feeling of newness usually fades in a relationship, but with us, we just get used to seeing each other when we're dragged apart again. So it really makes our reunions so special and breathtaking and weak-in-the-knees amazing :) I am really excited to see him, especially knowing he doesn't have to travel anymore until he and I go home for Christmas. And even then, we get to go somewhere together! Woo!
Speaking of going back, I am looking for new recipes for yummy dinners. If anyone reading this has a great recipe, let me know so I can try it out!
Anyway, things are good right now. This week is going to be super busy trying to see everyone that I can before I leave. I think I have something going on almost every night this week, so it looks like I'll be super tired again every day this week, but it's worth it to spend time with the people you care about :) If you want to see me before I leave, call the cell, that's the best way to get ahold of me!
7 years ago
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