Sep 29, 2008


Normally I try not to write about such things on my blog, partly because I am not the most well informed on the subject and partly because it's not really fun to write about, but today I feel like I must. Congress has all the power to make good and positive changes in the world to keep our economy and our society thriving. The problem is, they are all cowards. Why cowards? Today they voted down a bill to save some of our biggest businesses in the US economy that are floundering. They had all the power to help, but they are too scared of losing their own jobs to help out the people that they are supposed to be protecting.

Was the bailout plan the ultimate solution to our problems? No. Could it have caused other (smaller) problems down the road? Of course. But, in an economy that is failing, in a time where we already have an energy crisis and a financial crisis to worry about, you would think that they would get off their ivory towers and do what this country needs and stop hoping that the guy next to them will do it instead.

I know they are all up for re-election soon, and because of this many voted against the bill so that if it did cause problems later they could claim "Well, I voted against this" but now we are spiraling into a depression faster than they may be able to control. As a young woman in today's US society, I am really scared of what the future will bring.

It's so frustrating to vote someone into office to protect you and your interests (yes I did vote, so I can say this) and then feel like somehow you are being ignored. It's almost to the point where I feel so unmotivated as to not vote come November. Almost. I know I'll seriously reconsider re-electing someone versus putting someone in office with a fresh perspective who is more in tune with their contituents.

Sep 25, 2008

Girl's night!

So even though I moved here almost a year ago, I still don't really know many girls here. It's hard to get to know people when the friends you do make have to relocate to a state far far away when their significant others get reassigned to a new station. I have made some friends, but most of them are bf's friends, who shockingly are male... (note the sarcasm) So, I am super excited that I have been invited to a Girl's Night tonight with a woman I met this weekend who is one of bf's good friend's fiancees, if that makes sense.

Anyway, she invited me to her place to have dinner and drinks and a sex and the city night to celebrate the DVD release. It's great because I like S&TC and haven't seen the movie yet and I get to have a fun night with some new people :) No boys allowed ;) Plus, tonight is the best television night of the week, so bf and I are DVR-ing our favorite shows and plan to just kick back tomorrow night and have a TV night to catch up on all our favorites ;) It's shaping up to be a pretty good weekend so far and it hasn't even started!

Another amazing thing we are doing this weekend is going to Diamond Head Winery to make our own wine! I'm super pumped. For those of you that know me well, you know how exciting this is for me since I LOVE wine. It's my drink of choice usually for nice dinners out... or casual dinners in sometimes too hehe. I will let you all know how this endevour goes as it may yield something great, or I may find that my talents lie outside the realm of wineries.

Anyway, Yay for Thursdays and it almost being the weekend!

Sep 18, 2008

prime time!

So I know that television is not the best diversion when there are so many more engaging things like "exercise" or reading, or learning a new skill like cooking or sewing... wait what, sewing? haha scratch that...., and I realize that these other things may be more worthy of my time. However, I still find TV to be so entertaining and I am so happy that season premiere days are upon us! Tonight, the first premiers I am excited to see are happening. We even got DVR so we can record our favorite shows that conflict.

Honestly, i am only excited about the shows offered on Thursday and Sunday evenings, so the other nights of the week I will engage myself with worthy activities. But for those two nights, there are so many good shows to distract myself with. Tonight is the premier of Smallville season EIGHT and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia season FOUR. If you have never seen it's always sunny, I highly recommend it. Not many people know of its greatness because not a lot of people that I know watch the shows offered on FX. Let me tell you, the last season of Sunny had more "laugh out loud" moments than I can count. Granted, many of those moments were offensively funny, but still a riot!

I know where BF and I will be come 7 o clock tonight. Spread out on our couch with food and beverages waiting for the hilarity to start :) Show times in Hawaii are all messed up though, so hopefully not too many of our shows will conflict. Yay DVR :)

Sep 16, 2008

so many decisions

The time is fast approaching for Andy and I to be making some pretty huge decisions. We are still waiting to hear if we are officially out, but if so, we will be free from the Army come late spring time and since that is just around the bend, we have been trying to prepare for all the decisions we have to make.

We went to an informational meeting last night concerning the transition from military life to the civilian/business world. It was actually a very good seminar and put a lot of things in perspective for us. As to where we are going and what we will be doing when this "tour" is over, I can't say just yet, mostly because I just don't know yet. I do know that it will almost certainly be MUCH closer to home, definitely not across any oceans if we can help it! But from there, it's like, OK now how do you narrow it down? Obviously it would be nice if we could go home for a while, but what if that's not practical or simply not possible with jobs that are available?

I am getting so tired of uncertainty and can't wait until we have something real and concrete to go on. I really miss the days where my parents decided everything for me and all I had to do was show up. I never realized being an adult would be so stressful at times. Hopefully I'll only have to deal with this uncertainty for a few more months. Please pray for us that it all goes like we want it to.

Sep 10, 2008


Andy told me last night he got me a present but it won't be here until a week or so from now. He always tells me these kinds of things because he knows how crazy it makes me!! I like surprises, but when I know a surprise is coming, I can't stop thinking about it and what could be going on. Ahh!! He won't tell me what it is or where he got it from, so I just have to sit and wait and wonder. He spoils me though :) He gets me little things that make me feel special all the time. I can't wait to see what he has in store for me this time :)

Sep 8, 2008

another beautiful weekend

Hey everyone. I hope you all had a great weekend. I know I did. Andy took me to the zoo Sunday which I have been wanting to do for weeks! It was fun. Honolulu has a really nice zoo! It's not as nice as Cincy's but then again, Cincy does have one of the top zoos in the country. My favorites this time around were the elephants. Their enclosure is being remodeled so they had these two giant elephants in this tiny little enclosure. I felt kind of bad for them, but I know their new digs are going to be awesome. We saw it when we walked past, so hopefully they won't have to suffer too long.

The only casualty of the day unfortunately was my face hahaha. I have the WORST farmer's tan from my sunglasses. Andy was laughing at me last night when I took off my makeup. You could really see these huge red lines that pretty much make the perfect glasses shape on my face. I look really lovely ;)

I'm glad we got to go though. It was a really fun day that we topped off with a trip to the pool. Splashing around is always fun, especially since we were the only two people in the pool so we could play around and not bother anyone. Our favorite game is "dunking katie..." did i say OUR favorite? I meant andy's. He thinks it's funny to come up with new and creative ways of throwing me around in the pool. I may secretly like it a little though ;)

Sep 2, 2008

musings on manners

Welcome back from the long Labor Day Weekend everyone! I know I was sitting around relaxing all weekend enjoying the idea of 3 whole days without work. *Le sigh* it was wonderful. Andy and I continued our celebration of our reunion by going to two of our favorite restaurants this weekend, and one is looking right out over the harbor and they gave us one of the best tables in the house. It was a BEA-utiful night :) Hope all of your weekends were as relaxing and great as mine :)

However, there is one thing that happened this weekend that I wanted to post about. I'm trying not to gripe here, more a "musing on manners" if you will. Andy and I went to see the movie Pineapple Express this weekend. Granted, it's not going to be winning any Academy Awards and the movie was about stoners, but it was humorous in its' own way.

Anyway, we went to a show in the middle of the afternoon hoping it wouldn't be too crowded but we were wrong. It was super crowded. About 10 minutes into the show, a few guys came in and sat next to us, which is fine although i do think it's rude to show up late to the show. But the person next to me found this movie to be absolutely HILARIOUS. Like, to the point that he kept repeating the lines and laughing (loudly) like (OMG DUDE, HE JUST SAID ****!!! AHAHAHAHA) and his laugh was so incredibly loud that the dialogue kept being drowned out by this one man's laughter.

Now, I'm all for enjoying yourself at the movies, I mean that's what they are made for, but when your enjoyment means no one else can enjoy the movie? I really think the guy had to be on drugs. Like I said, it was a stoner movie, so no big surprise there. Am I the only one this upsets? Like I said, not trying to rant, just trying to point out that yes, please have a good time when you go to the movies, but try to have fun and let other people enjoy it too. If you can't hear the next joke because you're still repeating the last joke you found so funny, no one around you can hear it either!