Sep 25, 2008

Girl's night!

So even though I moved here almost a year ago, I still don't really know many girls here. It's hard to get to know people when the friends you do make have to relocate to a state far far away when their significant others get reassigned to a new station. I have made some friends, but most of them are bf's friends, who shockingly are male... (note the sarcasm) So, I am super excited that I have been invited to a Girl's Night tonight with a woman I met this weekend who is one of bf's good friend's fiancees, if that makes sense.

Anyway, she invited me to her place to have dinner and drinks and a sex and the city night to celebrate the DVD release. It's great because I like S&TC and haven't seen the movie yet and I get to have a fun night with some new people :) No boys allowed ;) Plus, tonight is the best television night of the week, so bf and I are DVR-ing our favorite shows and plan to just kick back tomorrow night and have a TV night to catch up on all our favorites ;) It's shaping up to be a pretty good weekend so far and it hasn't even started!

Another amazing thing we are doing this weekend is going to Diamond Head Winery to make our own wine! I'm super pumped. For those of you that know me well, you know how exciting this is for me since I LOVE wine. It's my drink of choice usually for nice dinners out... or casual dinners in sometimes too hehe. I will let you all know how this endevour goes as it may yield something great, or I may find that my talents lie outside the realm of wineries.

Anyway, Yay for Thursdays and it almost being the weekend!

1 comment:

Beth said...

oooo...making your own wine sounds like so much fun! Seriously! Take some photos and post them cause I would love to see it! :o)