Nov 25, 2008


Why is it that when you're waiting for something oh so anxiously, time seems to slow to something resembling a snail moving backward?!

Seriously, it's only Tuesday, and I feel like this week has gone on for a month. Since it's a holiday week, I only have three days of work this week, as many of you do. So, a three day week should go quickly right? WRONG!

Most of the people I work with took vacation this week, as I'm sure most of the people from other companies did whose work I rely on to get work. So, basically NOTHING has happened the whole week with the exception of a rare conference call I got to be on since everyone else was on vacation.

I only have 90 more minutes left here today and I am slowly dying of boredom. There is just nothing to do right now! I wish it was this time tomorrow so I could be bored, but anxiously awaiting my 4 days of freedom which I will spend eating turkey, kayaking, and playing the new guitar hero world tour game. (I tried to convince BF to WAIT and let me give it to him for xmas, but sometimes he gets impatient. He wants what he wants when he wants it!)

Ack! Sorry this post has a total lack of content, but sometimes when there is nothing going on, you really have nothing to write about but still feel the urge to vent ;)

Happy Thanksiving everyone!

Nov 24, 2008

tra la la

Today I received an email from my brother asking for a friend if I would sing their wedding. I love singing weddings. In fact, I love all singing (in the car, in the shower, on stage, you name it!) So it pains me to have to say no, which I had to a few weeks ago to a 2nd cousin since my future is so uncertain. Luckily, this wedding of my bro's friend is far enough away that I could ask him to give me 3 months to decide since hopefully I'll know where life is going to take me by then.HOPEFULLY being the operative word.

But seriously, I miss singing. I ONLY get to do it in the car or in the shower here in Hawaii which has really made me sad. Not being able to sing is like losing the mobility of a limb, that's how much a part of me it is. It's hard here though. I don't know anyone who would know of any vocal coaches here, and we don't belong to a church here. That also makes me sad, but it's hard getting really involved in a community when you know you won't be a part of it for very long.

So again, HOPEFULLY I'll know where I'm going in a few months. It really represents to me a new beginning. Because wherever we go, I know we're going to be there for a pretty long time, so I can't wait to get there and get involved again, you know? To be able to rekindle my passion for singing and get good at it again. I know better than anyone that I'm getting rusty out here!
To meet new friends and hopefully find joy in my job. 2009 is fast approaching and it's going to be great! Stressful? Sure. Hectic? You bet. But great. :)

Nov 18, 2008

silver linings

So no one likes to be sick, right? You feel crappy, inevitably look crappy, act crappy and all together, it's just a crappy time. So, why do I not mind having been sick the past few days? I love being taken care of... who doesn't?

I already know that I have an amazing BF. He spoils me rotten, treats me like a princess and tells me he loves me every day. (I'm one of the lucky ones :) ). And while I know this, I really know it when I get sick. He cooks for me, goes out to buy me medicine, cleans up the apartment, gives me back rubs and cough drops, makes tea for me with honey and lemon (just the way I like it!) and doesn't let me lift a finger.

I truly am one of the lucky ones, and couldn't ask for a better guy. So even though I've felt like poo for the past 3 days, it hasn't been too hard to find the silver lining ;) Thanks baby for all you do for me.

Nov 12, 2008

immersed in eclipse

For those of you that don't know me, I am somewhat of a bookworm. Not as much as I used to be (unfortunately), but I will still read anything you give me. I love the written word, escaping to other worlds with characters that by the end, you feel as if you actually could know in real life. I love how reading is so engaging. It forces you to use your imagination to see everything and to really become part of the story. That's something I've always felt movies lack... even if sometimes they are more fun to watch if you don't feel like having to think hehe.

When I get really into a book though, somehow real life doesn't matter as much. Right now, for example, I'm reading the 3rd book of the Twilight series "Eclipse," by Stephanie Meyer. Maybe I'm just a sucker for fantasy books, but this series has totally taken me by surprise. I mean, I've always liked fantasy (Harry Potter anyone?), and it's come recommended to me by several people, but I never expected to like it to the point where all I want to do right now is go home and read. This is the kind of book that makes me want to withdraw competely for a week or two and be the anti-social bookworm that's somewhere inside me. This is the kind of book that would have kept me up reading until 2 am on a school night back in high school because I HAD to know what happens next.

(The only reason it's not keeping me up that late now is because I actually get paid to be at my job and I know I need sleep to perform my daily tasks efficiently.)

If you haven't read these books and find the fantasy genre at all compelling, I encourage you to read it. Of course, I don't think I'll ever like it more than HP series (that would be blasphemous to me hehe) but it's such a fun and fast read. It has delayed my interest in more "classic" books like "1984" and "Through the Looking Glass" but I figure, I'm heading out on a 10 hr plane ride in 5 weeks, that's plenty of time for me to get a good start on those!

Anyone out there have a great book to recommend? I'm always looking for the next great thing to entertain me.

Nov 6, 2008

facebook dilemmas

I know only a few of you out there read this, but if you are reading it, I would like some feedback on this issue if you have a minute to respond. Recently, I was asked to be someone's friend on facebook. Not a new issue, it has happened before. (I know, I'm amazed too ;) )

This particular person though is one that I have never actually met, but is a person who works for the company I work for. We do not work in the same location (even when I am working from my hometown) and we have only had maaaaybe 1 conversation online when we had to for work. Now this person has asked to be my friend on facebook.

So what's the problem? I'm not sure I want her to be my friend. I don't want this person from work being able to see what I'm up to while not actually knowing me. Also, I would most definitely have to take my blog off facebook as I've written several posts in which I express a desire to get a new job... and now this entry.... well, that would just be awkward.

So my question is, is it rude to reject her facebook friendship? Do you think she'll ever even notice? Also, I was SHOCKED to realize just how many of my coworkers actually use facebook and really hope that no more of them request to be my friend! (I know I am naive to be shocked, but sometimes I forget that facebook isn't just for college kids and recent grads anymore! I still think it was better that way and will continue to think that until one day I realize I am not a recent grad anymore and am still a faulker... aka facebook stalker...)

It sounds bad, but is it so bad to want to keep your personal and professional lives separate? When I come home from work, I want to leave work behind, I don't want to worry that my boss will see a photo someone posted of me in a bar and think I'm a lush.

(I'm only a lush on the weekends.... and even then only sometimes hehe)

So what do you think? To friend or not to friend... that is the question. I don't want her to think I'm a total you-know-what, but I don't think I'm comfortable letting someone I don't know access that much personal info about me. (Just so you know, I NEVER accept friendships of people I have never heard of, or who creep me out, or who I think I might have met once three years ago in college, etc.) So let me know what you think. Should I accept her and perhaps limit what she can see in my settings, or just reject it and hope she never notices?

Nov 4, 2008


Wow do I feel good right now! Why you ask? Well, last night when BF came home from work he had a surprise for me... That's right... His discharge packet was approved! So, as of spring next year, we will officially be done with active duty!!! WOOOOOO Hallelujiah it is a miracle!

So, what's the next step? Now we have to work on getting BF a job so we know where we're going to go from here. I am so excited and just a little nervous about our future. Excited because we can finally start planning our lives according to how we want to run them and not how the Army wants them to run. A little nervous because it's uncertain where we're going to go and who we'll meet when we get there.

But that's half the fun, right? Starting over somewhere new, meeting new people, having new adventures. I cannot tell you how great the feeling is. It's like a 10 ton weight has been lifted off my shoulders. And while it will be bittersweet to leave this paradise, it is so much more exciting to be going somewhere where I won't have to wonder all the time "Is there going to be another deployment? Can I handle this all over again?"

If I had to, I would have endured it, and I would have gotten through it with the love and support that surrounded me from family and friends just like the last time. But life is so much easier and so much happier this way :) I feel like singing from the rooftops today!

Life is good :)