Jan 30, 2009

a vacation that's not a vacation!

Well, the last week has been super stressful, but in an amazing way! Austin was so educational. And I don't mean the city haha. I spent almost 6 days there and never left the hotel. I did not get to have a good Texas steak, nor did I spend ANY time on the famed 6th street (famed because the 1 person I know from there told me it was awesome..). I spent 6 days working harder than ALL my finals weeks in college COMBINED. And it wasn't even for me!

Fiance had NINE interviews in the span of 36 hours. WOWEE. So the first two days we were there we studied like I have never crammed before. Plus, we had about 12-15 hours of seminars to go to. I now know more about medical sales than I ever thought possible, or ever wanted to know.

However, I ALSO know more about interviewing than I ever cared to know, and I must say, how the hell did I ever get a job?! In my interviews out of college I did and said everything they told us not to. No wonder it took me 6 months to find a job. But, hey, now I have those skills if and when I need them again, so yay that's a plus.

The question of the move has not been answered thus far. Out of those 9 companies, 5 want to follow up with him, and the openings range from LA to Boston... from Phoenix to Detroit, from Charleston to Houston. So yeah... I still have no idea where we'll end up. Although, fiance does have 2 follow ups already scheduled for next week, so perhaps within the next 2 or 3 we'll know!

This past week was rough, but it felt really good that he wanted me to be as involved in the process as possible. And it felt really good that he relied on me so much last week, and that I was actually able to keep him organized and motivated! It feels good to be part of a team :)

Jan 21, 2009

tomorrow is only a day away

Tomorrow we leave for TX! I am getting so nervous. And I'm not even nervous for me! It's cool being nervous for someone else. You know you care about them so much that their feelings mean more to you than yours.

But at the same time, being nervous for someone else sucks because there is no way you can control the outcome. I wish I could do all those interviews for him because then I would be protecting him from any discomfort or unpleasantness. Although, I know he's much better at interviews than I am and I don't have to worry, so it's good that he's doing this himself haha. I get all tongue-tied and sound rather inarticulate at times.

I'm also nervous because we will find out what positions/locations/companies he is interviewing for... locations being the most important one there. Now that we're engaged, location is a huge factor. It's part of the reason we haven't really started planning our wedding.

It is almost impossible to plan such a huge event in your life when you don't even know where you'll be! If we're going to be close to home, we can set any date we want. If we're going to be far away (although anywhere in the US is closer than where we are now... except maybe alaska... ugh!) then we have to be more selective in the date choosing process.

But either way, it will be a weight lifted... no, more like a veil lifted... once we find out. There will finally be a definite future. Something we can plan for. Like home hunting, job searching, activity planning! It's an exciting time in our lives and I can't wait until we know for sure! We just have to get through the next 7 days (and then the next 3 weeks of follow up interviews) and hopefully we'll have a future home-base! I'll definitely keep you posted :)

Jan 13, 2009

getting closer

So, one week from Thursday, finace and I leave for Austin. We'll be there for about a week, although we probably will only see the airport, the hotel, and maybe one nice restaurant. Why? Fiance has several (8-10) job interviews at this conference we are going to, and my role in the week is to keep him focused, organized and prepared for each interview he goes on. I have been told by the recruiters he's working with that I'll probably be busier than he is while we're there.

I'm actually really excited by this. It makes our whole future together more "our decision" than just "his decision that I follow" which is how it has been for the last 4 years. And don't get me wrong, I don't resent that or anything because let's face it, in the Army, his decision wasn't really his decision either. It was Uncle Sam's, and we both had to follow it blindly.

But now, I know I'm finally going to have some input. I can tell him which opportunities I think are the best for us, and I also get a say in our location! I mean I know the decision is ultimately up to him, but now that we're getting married, I KNOW that what I think and feel about these jobs really truly matters to him. And I've always known that, but it's nice to be certain and to have that sense of stability, especially in these unstable times for us!

Our last night there though, after all the interviews are done and we can both let out a huge breath, we're going to go have a nice dinner and a drink or two. Anyone know of a good restaurant in Austin? Particularly good steak? I hear Texas is famous for that ;) We'll need a good meal after the stressful, but exciting week we're going to have, especially since the next 3 weeks of waiting are going to be just as stressful, and exciting!

Yay for taking steps in a new direction :)

Jan 6, 2009

2009 is devine :)

Wow, so it's been a long time since I've posted! I noticed that when I was in Ohio, I was so busy running around trying to be everywhere at once, that I just did not have time to sit down and blog! There was so much that happened too!

The most important thing that happened, which I'm sure most or all of you (my whole 3 readers haha) know is that BF finally proposed!!! I suppose now I will have to call him Fiance in this blog :) I could just call him by his name, but I like having a little bit of anonymity (is that how you spell that?) for any people who don't know me that come across this blog. No offense to you unknown readers, but if you really want to know, just ask ;)

But yes, it FINALLY HAPPENED!!!! I'm so excited I could burst!! I don't think I've had as many phone calls in my life than I've gotten over the past two days of well wishers and congratulators, and I want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being so genuinely happy for me. Because I have been dreaming about this for oh so long and it's finally happened! :)

Fiance and I were talking last night (well, I was talking and he was laughing at me a little) about certain details and I was saying that I was trying to find pictures of this one church I absolutely LOVE and he was laughing at me like "We've been engaged two days and you're already picking out churches?" And I told him "Well, I've been thinking about this a LOT longer than the past 2 days!" He just couldn't believe how different guys and girls are. Like, he couldn't believe that I'd been thinking about where/when/what it would look like for approximately the last 3 years. I may have scared him a bit by this revelation, but he's stuck with me now ;)

Actually I think he thought it was kind of cute, so that's good. Anyway, I'll post again later about the proposal and how it all went down in case you don't already know and keep you all posted about any wedding plans we make! Although I doubt it will be for a while, but I'll still keep you all posted!

I'm getting married :)