Nov 18, 2008

silver linings

So no one likes to be sick, right? You feel crappy, inevitably look crappy, act crappy and all together, it's just a crappy time. So, why do I not mind having been sick the past few days? I love being taken care of... who doesn't?

I already know that I have an amazing BF. He spoils me rotten, treats me like a princess and tells me he loves me every day. (I'm one of the lucky ones :) ). And while I know this, I really know it when I get sick. He cooks for me, goes out to buy me medicine, cleans up the apartment, gives me back rubs and cough drops, makes tea for me with honey and lemon (just the way I like it!) and doesn't let me lift a finger.

I truly am one of the lucky ones, and couldn't ask for a better guy. So even though I've felt like poo for the past 3 days, it hasn't been too hard to find the silver lining ;) Thanks baby for all you do for me.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Feel Better!!!

I'm glad that he is taking care of you!