The time is fast approaching for Andy and I to be making some pretty huge decisions. We are still waiting to hear if we are officially out, but if so, we will be free from the Army come late spring time and since that is just around the bend, we have been trying to prepare for all the decisions we have to make.
We went to an informational meeting last night concerning the transition from military life to the civilian/business world. It was actually a very good seminar and put a lot of things in perspective for us. As to where we are going and what we will be doing when this "tour" is over, I can't say just yet, mostly because I just don't know yet. I do know that it will almost certainly be MUCH closer to home, definitely not across any oceans if we can help it! But from there, it's like, OK now how do you narrow it down? Obviously it would be nice if we could go home for a while, but what if that's not practical or simply not possible with jobs that are available?
I am getting so tired of uncertainty and can't wait until we have something real and concrete to go on. I really miss the days where my parents decided everything for me and all I had to do was show up. I never realized being an adult would be so stressful at times. Hopefully I'll only have to deal with this uncertainty for a few more months. Please pray for us that it all goes like we want it to.
7 years ago
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