Why is it that when you're waiting for something oh so anxiously, time seems to slow to something resembling a snail moving backward?!
Seriously, it's only Tuesday, and I feel like this week has gone on for a month. Since it's a holiday week, I only have three days of work this week, as many of you do. So, a three day week should go quickly right? WRONG!
Most of the people I work with took vacation this week, as I'm sure most of the people from other companies did whose work I rely on to get work. So, basically NOTHING has happened the whole week with the exception of a rare conference call I got to be on since everyone else was on vacation.
I only have 90 more minutes left here today and I am slowly dying of boredom. There is just nothing to do right now! I wish it was this time tomorrow so I could be bored, but anxiously awaiting my 4 days of freedom which I will spend eating turkey, kayaking, and playing the new guitar hero world tour game. (I tried to convince BF to WAIT and let me give it to him for xmas, but sometimes he gets impatient. He wants what he wants when he wants it!)
Ack! Sorry this post has a total lack of content, but sometimes when there is nothing going on, you really have nothing to write about but still feel the urge to vent ;)
Happy Thanksiving everyone!
7 years ago