Thanksgiving weekend. It's amazing. Great food, great wine, great friends... what more could you ask for?
Technically, on Thanksgiving we didn't see any of our friends since BF and I made our own turkey (a whole 18 lbs!!! That we have been eating once a day since... hehe) and spent the evening enjoying each other's company and watching football and movies. It was a really great day.
One of the things I do like about my job (of which, there aren't that many) is that my company is awesome enough to give us the day after Thanksgiving off as a holiday too (which is absolutely amazing since I don't have to worry about oversleeping with the food coma issue and all).
Anyway, Friday we met up with some friends and went kayaking in Kailua to some little uninhabited islands that have little private beaches and areas to explore. (I'm amazed no one got hurt! Even though I did fall down a sand dune... and when I say fell, I mean it was like rolling down the hill when i was a kid to get dizzy, except not on purpose... and that i got sand all over myself...)
It was one of the most fun days I have had here in HI. Even though my arms were KILLING ME (I was in a single kayak and it takes over an hour of rowing to get there, and about an hour back) and I was exhausted, it was great. After the adventure, we found a hole-in-the-wall pizza place, Bob's Pizzeria hehehe that was also amazing! One slice = 1/4 of the pie hahaha.
That night our friends came back to our place to grill out burgers and dogs for a good old fashioned Wii night (oxymoron? i guess the Wii can't be considered old fashioned, but you know what I mean). It was overall an awesome day.
The rest of the weekend was spent braving the shopping malls trying to get ideas for Xmas presents. I failed... I only succeeded in buying something for my neices, and one thing for BF, but the rest I bought for myself... I know, I know, I should have spent my time looking for others, but come on, I'm going to the complete opposite temperature extreme in 3 weeks and I only had 2 light sweaters to wear! I had to find something! (and sweatpants, and jeans, and a new year's outfit.....) It's not like I'm Becky Bloomwood! (If you don't know who that is... read "Confessions of a Shopoholic"... it's so fun)
Anyway, now its back to life as usual until Christmas. Boo life as usual.. I wish every week was a holiday 3 day work week ;) Can't wait to see everyone at Christmas though. And I want to make a very special shoutout to Amy and Jeff. Congrats you guys on the engagment! :)
7 years ago
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