Well, the last week has been super stressful, but in an amazing way! Austin was so educational. And I don't mean the city haha. I spent almost 6 days there and never left the hotel. I did not get to have a good Texas steak, nor did I spend ANY time on the famed 6th street (famed because the 1 person I know from there told me it was awesome..). I spent 6 days working harder than ALL my finals weeks in college COMBINED. And it wasn't even for me!
Fiance had NINE interviews in the span of 36 hours. WOWEE. So the first two days we were there we studied like I have never crammed before. Plus, we had about 12-15 hours of seminars to go to. I now know more about medical sales than I ever thought possible, or ever wanted to know.
However, I ALSO know more about interviewing than I ever cared to know, and I must say, how the hell did I ever get a job?! In my interviews out of college I did and said everything they told us not to. No wonder it took me 6 months to find a job. But, hey, now I have those skills if and when I need them again, so yay that's a plus.
The question of the move has not been answered thus far. Out of those 9 companies, 5 want to follow up with him, and the openings range from LA to Boston... from Phoenix to Detroit, from Charleston to Houston. So yeah... I still have no idea where we'll end up. Although, fiance does have 2 follow ups already scheduled for next week, so perhaps within the next 2 or 3 we'll know!
This past week was rough, but it felt really good that he wanted me to be as involved in the process as possible. And it felt really good that he relied on me so much last week, and that I was actually able to keep him organized and motivated! It feels good to be part of a team :)
7 years ago