I am so ready to take that next step in my life... which step is that, you ask? No, not marriage (which I think I am also ready for) No, not being a homeowner or buying a new car. (Which, again, I think I'm ready for) No, not getting a new job (although I KNOW I'm ready for that... hopefully no one I work with reads this...)
No, I am talking about being a pet owner! Oh how I want a pet so badly right now. A little puppy to greet me when I come home from work and to play with me when I'm down and cuddle with me whenever I want! This post is titled so close, yet so far because last night was the closest I've ever come to getting a pet.
We randomly came across this pet discount supply store and noticed there were some puppies in there and we wanted to go pet them. They had some cuties too. BF particularly liked the Shar Pei (who was adorable and a little fatty puppy hehe) But I only had eyes for the little terrier mix puppy. She had these little eyes that just pierced your heart they were so cute.
Right when I went in the store she started whining and was coming up to the bars of her cage trying to lick me and was excited to see me. So they let me hold her and she just nuzzled up against my neck and looked at me with her little eyes that were saying "Katie, why won't you just take me home? You're not going to leave me here are you??"
Sadly, I had to. My apartment is not the place for a puppy. Nor is the move we are *hopefully* planning next year and the lack of yard/space/time we have right now. But oh, my heart was breaking leaving that little girl at the pet shop. She must have had some chihuahua in her because her ears were so cute and perky and pointy.
I've never felt this way about a dog... but I have taken it as a sign that someday I will have one. Because even though my life is not in line with having a dog right now, I know someday it has to be. Otherwise I would not have liked her nearly so much. And also, because if it's not, I feel like I will really be missing out on something great.
7 years ago