Hey all! Today's post is about realizations. This weekend a few came to mind. One is that when we are stressed we tend to take out our feelings on those closest to us. Is it right? No. Why do we do it? Because they are there and perhaps we can't take it out on those who are actually causing the stress because they are our bosses or family members. Or perhaps it's not a person at all but an outside factor that we have no control over. Either way, when things get stressful or chaotic, unfortunately the people who suffer are the people who are always there for us and try to make us feel better. The people who love us unconditionally.
That being said, next time you feel particularly stressed out, try talking about it so it doesn't get to the boiling point where some stupid little thing sets you off and you wind up projecting your stress onto someone else. They may even be able to help you figure it all out.
On a lighter note, I made another realization this weekend. You don't have to be the best at something to have the most fun. We went golfing this weekend (two of the holes were right along the beach... Ah-mazing!). Let me tell you, I am about the worst golfer in the world. (That may be an exaggeration, but when you only count your good strokes and you still get a 6 on a par 3... yikes haha). Anyway, BF and I went to play with a friend and all three of us were pretty bad that day, but we had the best time. (I announced at the start that I was playing a scramble haha) I don't think I've ever laughed so much while playing golf. Usually I get super frustrated (especially when I start to whiff) and wind up trying my hardest not to spew a string of profanities at the little plastic ball. Sometimes I have felt like Happy Gilmore minus the putter throws. (OK, maybe not that bad, but you get the point).
I actually felt like I played really well considering my skill level, and I had a great time. I even out drove BF a few times! After playing this weekend, I am really considering getting my own clubs so I can get better and play more frequently. I mean, my whole family loves to play, so maybe now I can play with them. Besides, they do say that half of all business takes place on the green ;) I hope we continue to play and get better. And also, be lucky enough to be on such beautiful courses.
7 years ago
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