I have noticed since the creation of facebook a slightly disturbing phenomenon... not that being able to electronically stalk everyone you have ever remotely known/met/thought was cute in itself isn't slightly disturbing (and highly entertaining)... but no, what I am talking about is people "getting engaged" to their best gal pals because they think it's funny.
Now I admit, if you're single to you it's probably not a big deal, (not that it's a huge deal anyway) but to me, when my mini feed annouces "Someone you know" is engaged! I get this warm fuzzy feeling of excitement for that person. Even if I haven't spoken to them in years, or only have met them a handful of times, a marriage proposal is something to celebrate and cherish. Sometimes it's a "oh, he finally did it!" feeling, whereas other times it's a "good for you, congrats" and yet others is a mere "oh how nice, i didn't even know they were dating anyone" (reserved hopefully for those I don't have regular contact with hehe). But whatever my reaction, it's always good and I feel compelled to congratulate them.
Imagine my disappointment then, when I go to their actual profile to see they are indeed engaged, but it's all a joke bc they are engaged to a friend just for kicks and giggles. Like I said, not a huge deal, but it's tricky and I don't like it ;)
7 years ago
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