Wow! It's been super long since I updated!! Not too much has been going on around here to update on I guess. We did get to go to the Jimmy Buffett concert at the Waikiki Shell last weekend which was pretty awesome. I swear I had a contact high going on though from all the "cigarettes" present that night. I didn't actually see any, but man could I smell them. Every time the wind blew I felt light headed! The concert was pretty good, although I wish he wouldn't have played quite so many new songs. When you go to a concert, you want to hear things you can sing along to, right?!
I'm pretty excited for this weekend though. We're going to see the All American Rejects at the Pipeline Cafe. Woo! I just love them. Their music is amazing, so I am very pumped to hear them play as well.
I know many people have been wondering (although I don't think many actually read my blog) as to where Fiance and I are headed when we move. Still no word on that. The poor guy though has basically been working 3 jobs the past few weeks though trying to impress the two companies who are recruiting him while still having his Army duties. I just can't wait until he has an offer and all this is behind us. The stress is mounting people. I wish there was something I could do to help him, but it's really up to him now. Of course I give him pep talks and iron his nice clothes and give him back massages when he gets home, but that's about all I can do. So please God, give us an answer soon! Thanks!
7 years ago
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