Fiance and I have a very awesome and unique movie going policy, in my opinion. We take turns picking the movie so we both know we'll like at least 50% of the movies we see together. That is not so unique. Many couples do this, or at least try to. But, where our awesome-ness comes in is at the ticket office. Whoever picks the movie has to pay for it. That way, the other person can't complain about it saying they wasted their money on a "chick flick" (sorry, money is NEVER wasted on a chick flick! ;) ).
That's the reason that this weekend I'll likely be forced to see Friday the 13th... as if the first 25 installments weren't enough... ( I don't actually know how many there were, only that it was more than 10... enough already!!) But, I can't complain because Andy did go see Twilight with me (and didn't even complain that I got starry-eyed over Edward Cullen).
Every once in a while though, there comes that movie that BOTH of us want to see so there comes the dilemma of "who gives up a movie pick to choose one that they know they other person would pick next time anyway".
That happened this weekend. I DID want to see He's Just Not That Into You, but something inside me told me that one would be more fun to see with girlfriends (Any thoughts? Would guys like this movie? Or should I just wait till I can go with the gal pals?) Anyway, the other movie I wanted to see was Taken. It hasn't been played up that much in the media, but DAMN is that a good movie! I was on the edge of my seat practically the entire movie.
Liam Neeson is a badass.
I know, Liam Neeson? But yes, he is a total badass. If you like thrillers (not horror!) but intense, suspense dramatic thrillers, this movie is for you. It was amazing. And terrifying. I loved it. So, I lost my movie pick and now Fiance gets to drag me to a gory horror film, but when it gets too bad, I'll just think back on my pick and know that it was all worth it.
7 years ago
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